


English language teachers can use a wide range of materials for this curriculum, and suggestions are given in the curriculum document. One course-book that is suitable for this curriculum is called Interchange and we have produced a guide for teachers on how the course-book maps to the new curriculum. For some of the learning objectives, we have suggested other materials that provide better support for teachers than Interchange for that learning objective.


Semester 1

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level


Social practice of language (SPL)

Interchange (IC) Intro Units 1-8 and others


Exchange personal information when meeting people (A1.1.1)

IC Intro: U1


Follow basic directions for transport (A1.1.2)

IC Intro: U2

IC Intro: U6 (transport vocabulary)


Talk about places where people live (A1.1.3)

IC Intro: U7


Talk about where people come from and their cultural identity (A1.1.4)

IC Intro: U3


Talk about cultural activities (A1.1.5)



Describe different environments (A1.1.6)

IC Intro: U8 (wh-questions + present simple tense)


Talk about learning activities, times and calendars (A1.1.7)

IC Intro: U5

http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/animals-around-us.cfm (lesson plans)


Describe the classroom and the location of classroom objects (A1.1.8)

IC Intro: U2


Talk about what makes a good teacher (A2.1.9)


Semester 2

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level


Social practice of language (SPL)

Interchange Intro (IC) Units 9-16 and others


Exchange information about pastimes (A1.2.1)

IC Intro: U6


Ask for and give directions to get to places (A1.2.2)

IC Intro: U13


Make plans to do things together (A1.2.3)

IC Intro: U11, U16


Describe foods and dishes, in your own and other cultures (A1.2.4)

IC Intro: U9


Share information about handicrafts of different cultures (A1.2.5)



Talk about your health (A1.2.6)

IC Intro: U12


Record school activities in a daily planner (A1.2.7)



Describe how well you and others can do things (A1.2.8)

IC Intro: U10 (abilities), U14 (past simple tense)


Describe personal work expectations (A1.2.9)


Semester 3

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level


Social practice of language (SPL)

Interchange (IC) Level 1 Units 1-10 and others


Exchange information about families and family life (A2.1.1)

IC 1: U5 (family), U2 (jobs and routines)


Describe how to play sports or games (A2.1.2)

https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/card-games Students read how to play a card game, learn expressions for playing games, and write instructions.


Give and receive information to buy and sell things (A2.1.3)

IC 1: U3


Compare manners in different cultures (A2.1.4)

IC 1: U1 (countries and nationalities)

IC 1: U12 (infinitive complements)



Talk about movies from different countries (A2.1.5)

IC 1: U4 (likes and dislikes)


Describe communities and how they change (A2.1.6)

IC 1: U8 (descriptions of communities; there is/are)

IC 2: U5 (used to)

IC 2: U9 (changes to the community with used to)


Talk about schedules at school (A2.1.7)

IC 1: U2 (times and routines)



Describe what you have done and learned (A2.1.8)

IC 1: U10 (past achievements and experiences)


Talk about what makes a good teacher (A2.1.9)


Semester 4

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level A2.2

Social practice of language (SPL)

Interchange (IC) Level 1 Units 11-16; Level 2 Units 1-4; and others


Describe people (A2.2.1)

IC 1: U9


Give instructions to prepare dishes (A2.2.2)

IC 2: U4


Order food and give opinions on dishes (A2.2.3)

IC 1: U13


Describe and compare countries (A2.2.4)

IC 1: U14



Describe art and your reactions to it (A2.2.5)

IC 2: U4 (present perfect) https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/paintings-lesson-plan_1.pdf


Discuss different types of transport and their impact on society/environment (A2.2.6)

IC 2: U2 (transport and problems)

IC 2: U6 (conditional sentences)


Give instructions on completing class activities (A2.2.7)




Write activities for a daily work plan (A2.2.8)

IC 2: U7 (don’t forget to, be sure to, try to, etc.)


Exchange information on different job roles in a school (A2.2.9)


Semester 5

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level B1.1

Social practice of language (SPL)  

Interchange (IC) Level 2 Units 5-16 and others


Narrate events that happened to you (B1.1.1)

IC 2: U12


Explain procedures for using technological devices (B1.1.2)

IC 2: U7 (technology)

IC 2: U15 (grammar past modals)


Give advice and suggestions, and make requests (B1.1.3)

IC 2: U2 (make plans, discuss needs/advice)

IC 2: U6 (make requests with modals)


Exchange information about different ways of communicating, in different cultures (B1.1.4)

IC 2: U14



Describe the plots of movies or books, and discuss responses to them (B1.1.5)

IC 2: U13


Contrast opinions about an environmental issue, in media (B1.1.6)

IC 2: U11 (vocabulary + passive)


Plan a school event (B1.1.7)

IC 2: U8 (festivals and celebrations)

IC 2: U12 (present perfect continuous)


Discuss good learning methods and techniques (B1.1.8)




Prepare for a job interview (B1.1.9)

IC2: U10


Semester 6

Learning Unit Objectives

Recommended materials

CEFR level B1.2

Social practice of language (SPL)  

Interchange (IC) Level 3 Units 1-12 and others

Semester 6: B1.2

Discuss key milestones in life

IC 3: U11


Describe how to fix something that is broken

IC 3: U9


Describe problems and make complaints

IC 3: U6


Contrast historical aspects about different cultures or countries

IC 3: U10


Compare music from different countries

IC 3: U8 (do you prefer / would you prefer)



Debate global environmental challenges

IC 3: U7

IC 3: U15 (discussing pros and cons)



Prepare a debate on teaching methodologies

IC 3: U8 https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/teaching-speaking-unit-5-techniques


Design a monthly work plan



Discuss career development

IC 3: U2

IC3: U16


Additional Online References

Learning English. http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish

Teaching adults. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/teaching-adults

Adult learners. https://elt.oup.com/learning_resources/courses/adultlearners/

Learning English. http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/

Teacher’s corner. https://americanenglish.state.gov/teachers-corner

Classroom resources (June 24th, 2018). Available on Pearson English Language Teaching. https://www.pearsonelt.com/professional-development/resources.html

Teaching adults (June 24th, 2018). Available on Oxford English Language Teaching. https://elt.oup.com/teachersclub/courses/teachingadults/

For Teachers (June 24th, 2018). Available on BBC Learning English http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/teach/

One Stop English (June 24th, 2018). http://www.onestopenglish.com

The Digital Teacher (June 24th, 2018). https://thedigitalteacher.com

Sites with useful activities



Información relevante de las actividades que mensualmente desarrolla la DGESuM, así como aquellas acciones en colaboración con las Escuelas Normales y otras instituciones.